And Nine Bags Full

We feel our Cascade It can exert a pull Two new workers today And nine bags full. The day was nice as autumn days tend to be in Oakland and there were seven of us to pick up brooms and Continue reading And Nine Bags Full
the rediscovered fountainworks of Lake Merritt
We feel our Cascade It can exert a pull Two new workers today And nine bags full. The day was nice as autumn days tend to be in Oakland and there were seven of us to pick up brooms and Continue reading And Nine Bags Full
Dang was right — with enough volunteers, the monthly work day can be accomplished in just two hours! And so it was — we had things spic-and-span and sparkly-clean by 11 a.m. Much thanks to loyal Tom, kind-hearted Betty and Ruben Continue reading Fast and Furious
What a wondrous sight to behold when I arrived at the Cascade a few weeks ago – pink and red rose petals arranged in the shape of a heart at middle plaza. A token of love thoughtfully displayed by anonymous Continue reading Love Is All Around
I joked with Dang today, as we cleared cuttings from the redwood tree at Lower Plaza, that it takes a village to clean and maintain a place like the Cascade. He chuckled and agreed. Today’s “village” included me, Dang, Barbara, Continue reading It Takes a Village
It’s remarkable how quiet Sundays can be at the Cascade, compared to Saturdays when workout teams and exercisers are in full force. This morning’s lull of activity combined with the crisp, foggy air made for an ideal cleanup time. Where Continue reading Last of the Leaves, First of the Flowers
Our volunteer list just keeps growing, and it’s attracting eager workers near and far. For May’s work day, we were delighted to have Mary (Walnut Creek), Johnna and Donna (both from Oakland) join us. Mary did a fine job of pruning Continue reading Near and Far
Though volunteer headcount was down for April’s work day, the Dynamic Trio (Barbara, Tom and Ken) managed to work at lightning speed, cleaning the place from top to bottom in less than two hours! Hooray for us! Barbara masterminded the Continue reading The Dynamic Trio
You couldn’t have asked for better weather or turnout from volunteers on our March work day. Barbara, Dang and I were joined by Laura, Tom, and Catalina and her husband Grant and son Leo. Our surprise guest was none other than Continue reading March Work Day
If you’ve dropped by the Cascade recently, you can’t help but notice the profusion of yellow blooms. Spring is just around the corner, and things are looking really spectacular. On Saturday, Barbara, Mark and I took on various projects – Continue reading Signs of Spring
Leave it to our friends and faithful volunteers from to jump in and help with not only the routine cleanup but also the removal of tagging that has become an all-too-familiar sight at the Cascade. Headed up by Nate, Continue reading When the Going Gets Tough