May Day Mayday!

Calling all volunteers! We need your help! Our first-of-the-month work day is this Saturday, May 3rd! Sunny skies are forecasted, which means there will be lots of activity at the Cascade, including these planned tasks:

Mulching – Get ready to work those arm and leg muscles! We’ll be transporting the rest of the donated mulch at the top of Merritt Ave. to the beds at the lower level near Lake Shore Ave. If anyone has any grand ideas on how to do this efficiently, please let us know. Otherwise, it’s a lot of up and down the stairs dragging plastic bags or buckets filled with the chipped bits. Why mulch, you ask? Simple: it conserves the soil’s moisture and helps choke-out those pesky weeds.

Weeding – And speaking of pesky weeds, there are a few that have creeped in and peeped up. Not sure which ones are weeds? We’ll help you identify them and tell you the proper way in which to remove them so they are gone – for good!

Pruning – Proper pruning leads to healthier, long-lasting plants. It also allows us as gardeners to shape the plants so they are aesthetically pleasing. In the end, those little snips here and little snips there help stimulate the new growth of buds, leaves and branches. Channel your inner Edward Scissorhands and go at it!

Planning – Out with the old, in with the new – we’re getting a new tool box! The question is – where shall we place it? All suggestions are welcome so come with your sharpest ideas (pun intended).

Sweeping – unless high winds wreak havoc this week, the stairs should be fairly clean, thanks to the volunteers from Check out the earlier-posted story of their day at the Cascade.

As always, feel free to post comments on any and all stories that you see on the site. And be sure to tell your friends about our great work! Who knows, they might be crazy enough to join us!

See you Saturday!

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