Cheers for the Volunteers!

Last Friday, April 8th, Nate Corbin, a veteran volunteer at the Cascade, spearheaded a group from the Levi Strauss corporate office in San Francisco. These engaging and eager helpers turned the Cascade upside down in a matter of hours! So much was accomplished, and we are so grateful for their time and effort. The group included Yachin, Meg, Nate (we love those coveralls!), Sayf and Cam.

The weeds stood no chance with this crew — Nate and Sayf tackled the overgrown and tangled mess around the nasturtium and narcissus while Yachin took care of the lower plaza beds. Looks so clean now!

Thriving morning glory and ivy were trimmed, steps were swept (excellent job, Cam!), suckers around the redwoods were given an aesthetic shave (thanks, Meg!) and that ill-planted palm at the top of N1 — good-bye low-hanging fronds, the exercisers’ nemesis.

All this and we didn’t scare them off — Nate and crew say they are coming back in May. How fortunate are we?

Come by and take a gander — things are looking up!


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