And Nine Bags Full

We feel our Cascade
It can exert a pull
Two new workers today
And nine bags full.

The day was nice as autumn days tend to be in Oakland and there were seven of us to pick up brooms and rakes. It does help to have extra hands. Stairs and level plazas got swept. The Lantana beds at Lakeshore were given two-minute drinks in the hope that by some miracle they could hold on till natural help comes. Our new plants-person, Daniela, brought five (maybe more) baby succulents.

Working inside the planted areas, it is obvious that many plants are permanently dead. It hurts to try to garden where so much is just gone. As the saying goes: hope springs eternal. We will keep the Cascade clean and lovely for all of you to use. You should join us. It is a special experience. 

– Barbara, Dang and Ken

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